HTML / CSS / etc..
A template is a starting point for a new process or project.   When you open a template, it is pre-formatted in a way that is meant to make the end product easier to create.   Templates are a nice way to re-use code.   Why recreate the wheel if you don't need to.  
Informative Links:
Name | Description |
W3school Templates | Open Source responsive CSS templaets from w3schools. |
Bootstrap Themes | Open source bootstrap templates. |
Jinja | Template engine for Python. |
Jinja Primer | Info on Jinga using flask framework. |
Mako | Mako templates for Python. |
Python App Layouts | Python Application Layouts: A Reference. |
Python Web App | Python-driven Web Applications. |
Name | Description | Version |
CSIO CSS Template | Custom CSS template. | 1.0 |
CSIO HTML Template | Custom HTML template. | 1.0 |
Project 3 | Template project space. | 1.0 |