
HTML / CSS / etc..


A template is a starting point for a new process or project.   When you open a template, it is pre-formatted in a way that is meant to make the end product easier to create.   Templates are a nice way to re-use code.   Why recreate the wheel if you don't need to.  

Informative Links:

Name Description
W3school Templates Open Source responsive CSS templaets from w3schools.
Bootstrap Themes Open source bootstrap templates.
Jinja Template engine for Python.
Jinja Primer Info on Jinga using flask framework.
Mako Mako templates for Python.
Python App Layouts Python Application Layouts: A Reference.
Python Web App Python-driven Web Applications.


Name Description Version
CSIO CSS Template Custom CSS template. 1.0
CSIO HTML Template Custom HTML template. 1.0
Project 3 Template project space. 1.0