Raspberry Pi

Minimized fun works.


Low cost, credit-card sized computer that runs Linux on the ARM CPU set.   It plugs into a computer monitor or TV, and uses a standard keyboard and mouse.   It is a capable little device that enables people to learn how to program.   The Raspberry Pi provides a set of GPIO (general purpose input/output) pins that allow you to control electronic components for physical computing and explore the Internet of Things (IoT).   It is popular with hobbyists for robotics as well.

Informative Links:

Name Description
RaspberryPi Org Raspberry pi org main project page.
PiHut Raspberry pi kits.
10 OS Choises 10 Operating Systems you can run on the Raspberry pi.
Example Pi Projects Awsome Raspberry pi example projects.
3D printing 3D printing with Raspberry pi.


Name Description Version
Project 1 Raspberry pi project space. 1.0
Project 2 Raspberry pi project space. 1.0
Project 3 Raspberry pi project space. 1.0
Project 4 Raspberry pi project space. 1.0
Project 5 Raspberry pi project space. 1.0
Project 6 Raspberry pi project space. 1.0